
MTMS '21 will be held using Zoom and a web conference system shown in the image below. Participants can access Zoom link, abstract, proceedings, e-poster, chat, etc. using this web conference system.

  • ID and passwords for the web conference system were emailed to participants' email addresses on September 1. If you have not received the e-mail, please contact the secretariat.
    • E-mail: at or matsuda.hiroyuki at (Please change "at" to "@".)
  • Participants can access this system from 10:00 on September 6 to 17:00 on September 9 (JST).

MTMS '21は,Zoomおよび以下の画像で示すWeb会議システムを使用して実施する予定です.このWeb会議システムでは,Zoomのリンク,アブストラクト,プロシーディングス,e-ポスター,チャットなどにアクセスすることができます.



Zoom Instructions

1. During the symposium, we will use Zoom for all sessions. For the best conference experience, please download Zoom Client for Meetings onto your laptop or desktop via note that the Web-browser or App version does not offer all functionalities.

2. Participants can access the Zoom meeting via "Zoom" icon on the web conference system.

3. After joining in the Zoom meeting, please change displayed name on Zoom meeting.

  • Audience: Given Name FAMILY NAME, Example: Taro SATO
  • Presenter: Lecture num. Given Name FAMILY NAME, Example: IL03 Taro SATO
  • Chair: Chair Given Name FAMILY NAME, Example: Chair Taro SATO

4. Please mute your microphone and video during the entire session while the presentation is playing. During the discussion, please turn on your microphone (and picture if possible) when you speak. Please follow the instructions of the session chair.

5. For Presenters: At the beginning of the lecture, the session chair will welcome you and introduce the presenter. After that,  please turn off the microphone and video mute. Then, please share your slide via the “Share Screen” button at the bottom of the window, and begin your presentation.


Presentation materials should be treated as public announcements that may affect future intellectual property rights such as patents.  If you agree that the video files are to be downloaded by participants, then please upload your presentation materials at your discretion.


Downloaded files must only be used for personal reasons and must not be shared or stored on file servers.  All files must be deleted from all digital devices including disk caches immediately after the end of the MTMS symposium.

ダウンロード (DL) したファイルは転載並び引用を除く利用は不可であり、会期終了後に速やかにキャッシュを含めて削除してください。

Please note that for all participants and events, this conference will be recorded for the purpose of archiving the event for official purposes.  Participants must not record lectures at the conference.
